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Strategic Planning Services


Gordon Creek Consulting offers unparalleled Strategic Planning Services, leveraging over 25 years of high-tech industry experience at leading companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and innovative efforts at the G8 Group. Our services are tailored to guide businesses through the complexities of market entry and product management with a keen focus on sustainable growth and competitive advantage. Specializing in Opportunity Research and Analysis and Product Management Consulting Services, we combine industry-leading practices with deep market insights to help your business thrive.

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Opportunity Research and Analysis

Utilizing the Lean Canvas framework, we provide a structured approach to new product and service ideation, helping businesses identify and analyze opportunities with precision. Our expertise in business opportunity analysis, honed at tech giants and through consulting engagements, ensures a comprehensive understanding of market needs and potential.


Lean Canvas Playbook

The Lean Canvas framework is a strategic management and lean startup template for developing new or documenting existing business models. It is a visual chart with elements describing a firm's or product's value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. This approach enables quick understanding, iteration, and adaptation, focusing on key factors such as problem identification, solution outline, unique value proposition, customer segments, channels, revenue streams, cost structure, key metrics, and competitive advantage.


At Gordon Creek Consulting, our Opportunity Research and Analysis service leverages the Lean Canvas approach to systematically evaluate new product and service ideas. This methodology ensures that we identify viable opportunities, assess market demands, and outline the potential for innovation and growth. Our extensive experience in conducting high-level research and analysis enables us to provide strategic insights that are both actionable and grounded in deep industry knowledge.

Product Management Consulting Services

With a solid foundation in leading product management efforts at Microsoft, Amazon, and the G8 Group, our Product Management Consulting Services are designed to address the full spectrum of product development challenges. We specialize in crafting compelling product visions and roadmaps that align with business objectives and market needs. Our approach to backlog grooming and sprint planning ensures that product development efforts are focused, efficient, and driven by value.


Moreover, we offer coaching and consulting to product managers, aiming to build their capabilities and leadership skills within the discipline. Our services are tailored to nurture talent, fostering a culture of innovation and strategic thinking. With our guidance, product managers learn to navigate the complexities of product lifecycle management, from ideation to market introduction and beyond.


People Working in Open Office
In a Meeting

Why Gordon Creek?

Gordon Creek Consulting's Strategic Planning Services are designed to empower businesses with the strategic insight and practical experience necessary to navigate the complexities of today's market. With over 25 years of high-tech industry experience at companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and through innovative efforts at the G8 Group, we specialize in identifying and analyzing new opportunities for products and services using the Lean Canvas framework.


This approach allows us to systematically evaluate market potential, ensuring that our clients can identify viable opportunities, understand market demands, and outline paths for innovation and growth.


Our Opportunity Research and Analysis, grounded in rigorous business opportunity analysis, enables businesses to make informed decisions, reducing risks and maximizing the potential for success.


Furthermore, our Product Management Consulting Services draw upon a rich history of leading product management efforts, offering expert guidance in crafting compelling product visions, developing strategic roadmaps, and executing efficient backlog grooming and sprint planning. We are committed to enhancing the skills and leadership abilities of product managers, providing coaching and consultancy that prepare them to lead their teams effectively.


By fostering a culture of innovation and strategic thinking, Gordon Creek Consulting not only helps businesses launch and manage successful products but also ensures they are well-positioned to drive meaningful change and achieve long-term success in the marketplace.


Through these comprehensive services, we partner with our clients to turn strategic insights into actionable, impactful results.

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